Saturday, January 19, 2013


In Serbia, it is obvious that girls like "Corpses". Why? I'm not quite sure why, but there is something in "Corpses" that attracts them. Maybe kindness? Anyway, the second edition of "Kindly Corpses" is almost sold out, and is mostly bought by the female audience (that confirm some information which we have from the market sales). So, dear girls, thank you!
Kindly Corpses / Third Serbian edition / Hardcover / B5 format / 160 pages
Because the second edition is almost gone, we (our publisher, Zoran and me) decided to publish the third edition of the "Kindly Corpses". According to the circumstances, I made a new cover for the new edition! I think this is the best cover so far that I've done for "Corpses" – YEAH!
Unfinished drawing / possible sketch for the cover

It's been just over a year when the second edition appeared. In the meantime, "Kindly Corpses" appeared on Paul Gravett’s list of The Best Works in 2011: An International Perspective. What an honor for this Serbian graphic novel

"An experimental work, but beautifully drawn and with a coherent story. This is probably the right way for underground comics to win over a wider audience".
PG Tips - The Best of 2011: An International Perspective
Detail of drawing that was done for the cover / Watered ink and pen
And that's not all! For all of those who do not understand Serbian, and they like "Corpses" here's something that will be helpfulPDF preview of the first two chapters in English! Download it HERE and have a good time with first 38 pages of this graphic novel

It is enough for start.

Enjoy it!


  1. Gde ce u Beogradu moci da se nabavi?

    1. Pozdrav,
      Pretpostavljam da će se u toku februara pojaviti u striparnicama (Darkwood, Alan Ford) i knjizarama u BG-u po ceni od 1300 din, dok će u knjižarama biti nešto skuplji. Meni je preostalo nekih dvadesetak primeraka drugog izdanja, pa ako si nestrpljiv/a možeš poručiti direktno od mene po ceni od 1200 + ptt troškovi + prigodno besplatna crtež-posveta. Adresa za poručiti:
      Nema razlike između drugog i trećeg izdanja sem korica:)!

  2. Zdravo Ivica! Bio je dugo vremena, a moj Srpski dobio jos lose... Vi kasete u potrazi US izdavacima - kako o Kanadi? Lepo alternativan crtani scena ovde, i co-planiram Graphic Novel-kurs sledece godine. Nadam, se da cuti od vas, i sve je dobro u Novom Sadu i Paviljons

    Pozdravi, Monrad

    1. O, dragi Monrade, srpski ti uopšte nije loš! Još malo da se potrudiš, pa možeš našem kralju da držiš dopunsku nastavu iz srpskog. Ajd javi se na , pa možemo da detaljnije da se dopisujemo. Inače, za sada smo više zdravi nego bolesni, što je dobro... Pozdrav!

  3. Nisam bio dugo u posjeti tvog bloga. Eto sam se i jope prijatno oduševio. Odlične stvari radiš!

    1. Zahvaljujem Tico! Uvek je lepo čuti pohvalu, a posebno kad ona stiže od talentovanog kolege!

  4. Do they? Do they really like whorizontal roadkill whichparta this feeble, fallible,
    finite façade?? Please try again, dude.
    Or do they prefer the savvy, sauve sky
    frozen-in-time? May think my name's
    funny? ...yet I gotta lotta bodacious,
    news4youse, dude-withe-lude:
    ● ●
    Cya soon, bubba... or not...
    Why? Make YOUR Choice -SAW
